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Galkaio City, Somalia, 10ka Nofember 2002



I  I  D  H  E  H

 Qab-Qablayaasha Dagaalka oo Diiwaankooda Toosh Lagu Shiday

Galkaio City, Somalia, 10ka Nofember 2002 – Somali Peace Rally – SPR waxay mar hore hoosta ka xariiqday sida ay xaquuqda aadamiga ugu tunteen qab-qablayaasha dagaalku. (Isha mari qoraalkayagii: Waxaa ayana sidoo kale toosh ku ifisay arrintaas Xarunta Xaquuqul Insaanka ee Dr. Ismaaciil Jimcaale oo sheegtay in wixii ka dhacay Somaliya wakhtigii dagaalka Sokeeye ay ka xuntahay wixii uu geystay xukunkii keligi talisku.

Shalay, 9 Nofember 2002, waxaa hay’adda Amnesty International caddaysay inay Somaliya ka dhacday wax aan caqligu keeni karayn dhanka xaquuqul iinsaanka. Hay’adahaas oo dhami waxay ka codsadeen bulshada caalamka inay indho gaar ah u yeeshaan diiwaanka qab-qablayaasha jooga Eldoret, Kenya ee ka qayb qaadanaya shirka dib u heshiisiinta Somaliyeed.

Waxaa nasiib darro ah in dad badan ee Somali ah kuna nool qaybo Somaliya ka tirsan ay maanta la hayste u yihiin kooxo hubaysan oo aan ixtiraam u hayn sharciga. Waxaa ayana cad in rag badan ee jooga Edloret aysan aaminsanayn wax aan qoriga afkiisa ahayn. Raggaas waa rag hore ugu kacay dilidda dumar, carruur iyo shacab hubaysan, xitaa xuqaal beeleed.

Waxaa nasiib darro ah in weliba raggaasi doonayaan inay hoggaanshaan qaran curyaan ah. Waxaa dhakafaar ah, raggaas badankoodu waxaa dhib ku ah wax qoridda, carruurtoodana shakaa ku jira inay masuul ka noqon karaan, qaran ay maareeyaan iska daaye. Miyeysan meesha soo gelin indhoolihii yiri war aan geeddiga hoggaanka u qabto. Waxaa ah wax laga xumaado ama aflagaaddo ah in maalin walba Internetka laga akhristo rag burcadnimo mooyee aan wax kale lagu aqoon oo leh Somaliya ayaan hoggaaminaynaa, oo weliba madaxweyne ama ra’aysal wasaare labada mid baan rabaa. Durugtay ceebtii!
. Sept.25.2002
. August.18.2002
. October 2001
. August.20.2001
. August.8.2001
. July.27.2001
. July.25.2001
. June.19.2001
. June.13.2001
. May.31.2001
. November 17, 2000
. July 19- May 22, 2000
. July 19- May 17, 2000
. May 13 - March 21, 2000
. May.30.2001
. May.18.2001
. February.21.2001
. February.15.2001
. Febraury.14.2001
. February.9.2001
. Fedbruary.21.2001
. February.6.2001

Waxaa SPR marar kale ku cel-celinaysaa inaan la illaawin diwaanka raggaas sida kajan u ekaha ah ay uga dhabtahay inay Somaliya hoggaanshaan. Ma aha in la illaawo kuwii dembiyada u galay wakhtigii Barre iyo kuwa hadda ku baraarray mashaqada qaran ee inagu habsatay. Waxaa raggaasi istaahilaan in maxkamad la geeyo – dabcan wakhtigay habboonaato.

SPR waxay ugu hambalyeynaysaa kooxaha xaquuqul iinsaan sida Amnestry International iyo Xarunta Ismaaciil Jimcaale. Waxaan idiinku bishaaraynaynaa mawqifkiinna qaaliga ah ee aad qaadateen. Eebba Somalia ha ka samata bixiyo afka qoriga ee ay ku jirto.   



Galkaio City, Somalia, November 10th 2002


Somali Warlords Heard Their Dismal Records Exposed

Galkaio City, Somalia, November 10th 2002 – Somali Peace Rally – SPR has underlined the dismal human rights record of the Somali warlords gathering at Eldoret, Kenya (read our previous report: ).This was also highlighted by Dr. Ismail Jumale Human Rights Center (IJHRC) which argued that what happened in Somalia in the civil war is much worse than the previous dictatorship.

Yesterday, November 9th 2002, Amnesty International has also confirmed that what has happened in Somalia is beyond belief, in terms of human rights. All these institutions have asked the international community and the Somalis to pay special attention to the records of certain elements participating in Somalia’s national reconciliation conference now taking place in Kenya.

It is unfortunate that the people living in large swathes of the Somali Republic are held hostages by armed functions who have no respect for rule of law. It is no secret that a good number of the warlords in Eldoret believe nothing less but the barrel of the gun. These people committed atrocities committed against women, children, unarmed civilians including tribal elders.

Much worse, the people accused on war crimes are hoping to lead the broken nation. Ironically, many of these gentlemen are functionally illiterate and are unable to look after their children let alone a nation in mess. It is not much different from the analogy of the blind man who asked to lead the convoy. It is an insult to the majority of the Somalis when they read from the internet that Mr. X, practically a thug, is aspiring to be the President or the Prime Minister of Somalia.

Somalia Peace Rally (SPR) is reiterating that the international community as well as the Somali people should not forget the record of the people sarcastically attempting to lead Somalia. Those who had committed atrocities during Barre’s regime as well as those who contributed to the national disaster now being played in Somalia should be prosecuted for their despicable deeds.

SPR is welcoming the position of Amnesty International and the local human rights agencies such as IJHRC. We congratulate you for the record you have set straight. May Allah restore the respect of Somalia from the barrel of the gun. 




... ELDORET: Taxanaha Wararka  

... Soomaaliya iyo dhacdooyinkii  2001/2000 

AGOOSTO | JULY | JUNE | MAY | APRIL | MARCH | FEBRAAYO | Janaury 2002 | Wararkii 1999-2001 


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