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Janaayo 23, 2004

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Galkaio City, Somalia, January 23rd 2004



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Filimada anshaxa xun, ruugidda Qaadka

iyo isticmaalka Daroogadu Saamayn intee le'eg Bay ku Leeyihiin Faafidda Cudurka AIDSKA ee Soomaaliya.. Guji...

Galkaio City, Somalia, January 23rd 2004 – Somali Peace Rally –Sannad iyo xoogaa ka hor ayaa dunidu shir isugu yeertay Somalida sida uga xaajaystaan dawlad la'aanta Somaliya. Shirarka daba dheeraaday waxaa rajadooda xumeeyey waa ayagoo ku bilowday qaab gurracan.

Waxaa beesha caalamku ku khasaartay markay tiri soo taliya dhowr dersin oo ku mabay dhiig dad, xaaraan iyo ficil xumo. Kuwaas waa kuwo aan istaahilin cidna wax laga waydiiyo waayo ma danaynayaan dawladnimo is masuuliyad midna ee waxay badankoodu leeyihiin dano caymin oo u badan wax noqosho qaawan oon miyir ku dhisnayn.

Gobollad qaar baa dagaalkii sokeeye ee ugu xumaa ka dhacay markii la saxiixay heshiis ku sheeggii xabbad joojinta. Weli IGAD waxay ka hadashaa xabbad joojin ayadoo og in raggaasi dhiig faraha la galeen. Ragga talada laga sugayo badankoodu waa dembiilayaal dagaal, iyadoo qaarkood barqo ka takhalluseen dadkii siyaasadda uguga soo horjeeday. Ereyga ugu nasiib darnaa sannadkii la soo dhaafay waa guddiga hogaamiye-yaasha. Waxay ahayd in la yiraahdo guddiga faashiliinta.

Guddiga faashiliintu wuxuu u adeegaa gacan shisheeye, oo ay caddahay inaysan rabin dawlad Somaliyeed oo xooggan. Waxaa faashillintu ka dhigeen magaca Somalia wax lagu qoslo indhaha adduunka. Eedaynta qiimaha daran ee dhawaan Jabuuti loo soo jeedshay inay hurinayso dagaalka Puntland iyo Somaliland waa naf la caarinimo raqiis ah, waxaana muuqato in sabab loogaga dhiganayo shirka dhaafi waayey qacan qaad la isku khasbay.

Jabuuti waxay muujisay rabitaan in la sameeyo dawlad Somaliyeed oo sharaf leh,hase ahaatee, waxaa hor istaagay cadawga Somaliya oo ay u horreeyaan fashiliintaasi, hooyadood, iyo madaxdii Carte laga soo doortay oo ahayd ayaan darro. Somali weligeed ma illaawi doonta dadaalkii Jabuuti waxay rabaan ha ku hadlaan kuwa ay diiwaanka ugu jirto dilaa aan dhaafin xitaa duubabka.

Eedyanta Jabuuti ma aha mid taageero u keeni karta kuwo xoogga ku haysto dhulal baaxad weyn kuna amar ku taagleeya. Sidoo kale mar-marsiiyo loogaga soo baxo shirka isha daran ma noqon karto. Eedda dhabta ah waxaa leh kuwa dhiig daadintu sahalka u tahay, iyo kuwa dabada ka soo riixa oo weliba Somaliya hubka daadka kaga dhiga ayagoo iska indha tira xayiraaddii qaramada midowday ee Somaliya laga saaray hubka.



Galkaio City, Somalia, January 23rd 2004


Blaming Djibouti is a lame-duck tactic

Galkaio City, Somalia, January 23rd 2004 – Somali Peace Rally –After a year and few months of stop-go Somali talks in Kenya, the good intentions of the international community who sponsored these talks seem to be ending up in the wrong foot that they started.

Two dozen warlords, who have no respect for good governance and/or accountability, and their sympathizers, were gathered to take Somali out of its current mess. Instead,
they hijacked the goodwill of the international community for their own greed and self aggrandizement.

The worst civil war in some parts of Somalia erupted before the ink of the so-called “seize-fire agreement” dried up. Unfortunately, still we read IGAD talking about this worthless agreement, signed by two-dozen warlords who most of them have common denominators. Some have continued to commit crimes against their own people, including broad-day-light assassinations. Calling these losers the “leaders committee” has been the misnomer of 2003.

These “losers committee” who are mainly in the service of a foreign hand that is apparently against a strong Somalia, made Somalia and the Somalis a laughing stock in the eyes of the world community. This latest cheap ruse of blaming Djbouti in fomenting war between Puntland and Somaliland is obviously a lame excuse to justify the failure of these men on anything more than a goaded handshaking.

Djibouti has shown its interest in forming a national government for Somalia but its efforts failed primarily because of Somalia’s enemies, be it “these losers”, their godmother and the unfortunate leadership elected at Arte. Somalis will never forget the efforts of Djbouti whatever a power hungry warlords who have no qualms with killing respected traditional leaders.

Blaming Djibouti will not drum up support for a war triggered by brigands holding a large swathes of Somalia hostage. Nor will it be an excuse to withdraw from the ill-fated conference in Kenya. Indeed, the blame of any bloodshed lies with the power hungry warlords and their sponsor who have inundated Somalia with weapons and ammunition in breach of the UN’s embargo on Somalia.

The recent threat of taking Somali warlords to court because of "slow genocide" (not to mention their violent actions) should be taken seriously. SPR urges all peace loving Somalis and the international community not to expect anything from the losers’ committee, but indeed take them to where they deserve - the UN Court in Arusha.

Faafin: | Jan 23, 2004

Afeef: Aragtida qoraalkan waxaa leh SPR.

Kulaabo bogga hore ee 

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Allah Is Great

Luuq Ganaane, 1987

wiil Waa wiil yar oo Somaliyeed oo nayl yar dhabta kuwata xilli nabadana dhexjooga Bilicda dhulka Soomaaliya.

Sirta ka Dambaysa Somaliland ma Itoobiyaa?

XAAFID QUR'AAN cFatax Cabdul Fataax waa xaafid qur'aan Somali ah oo wacdaro muujiyey GUJI

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