Jabhadda Wadaniga Xoreynta Ogaadeenya Garabka
Badbaadinta JWXO-GB
Xudunta Xidhiidhada Caalamiga ah
25 November 2005
Gubida Tuuladda Fool Jeex ee Gobalka Qoraxeey
Kadib markii ay
Ciidanka Cabudhiska Gumeysiga Itoobiya ku xasuuqeen Magaaladda Qabri-dahare 32
Qof oo Rayad ah oon waxba galabsanin 15 November 2005,ayuu
wali Gumeysiga Itoobiya, Ururka Taladiisa haatan haya ee EPRDF/TPLF isagoo sii
wada hirgalinta Siyaasadiisa ku wajahan Soomaalida Ogaadeenya ee ku dhisan Isir
Tirtirka iyo Baro Kicinta hadana mar kale ku talaabsaday faldambiyeed, laga arki
karo sida Naxariisdarada, Cadawnimada iyo Bahalnimada ku dhisan eey Itoobiya ula
dhaqanto Soomaalida Ogaadeenya ee
Cabudhinta,Gubista,Baabiínta Ilaha Nolasha sida Xoolaha Nool iyo Xanibaada
Ganacsiga iyo ugu danbayn Baro Kicinta ku dhisan.
Hadana 20 November
2005, waxay Ciidanka
Cabudhiska Gumeysiga Itoobiya si ula kac ah Dab u qabadsiiyeen Tuulada Fool
Jeex oo ku taala Gobalka Qoraxey.Waxaana halkaas lagu gubay dhamaanba wixii
ay Shacabkaasi hanti lahaayeen ee Tuuladaas yaalay, kuwaas ooy ka mid
ahaayeen 45 Guri ooy dadkaasi degenaayeen, 6000 oo Jawaan oo raashina kuwaas oo
ahaa Dalagii xiliga u soo goŽay oo nolashooda 3da bilood ee soo socota ku
dhisnayd.Tuuladdii Fool Jeex waxaa ka soo hadhay Dambas iyo Banaan
haawanaya, xaaladda ay haatan ku sugan yihiin Shacabka reer Fool Jeex oo ah
Baro LaŽaan,Cuno LaŽaan iyo Macaluul ka bilaaban karta xiliyadda soo fool leh.
Goob Joogayaasha
Hayadda Caalamiga ah ee Laan Qayrta Cas
ayaa iyagu si dhakhso leh markiiba indhahooda ku soo arkay Tuulada Fool Jeex
dhibaatada gaadhay intay la eg tahay.Waajibka saran Beesha Caalamka iyo
Hayadaha Caalamiga ah ayaa faraya in ay Gargaaraan Shacabka reer fool Jeex kuna
Kaalmeeyaan sidii ay Cuno,Daawo, Kabayaasha Nolasha iyo siday Guryahooda dib
ugu dhisan lahaayeen.
Hadaba Jabhada
Wadaniga Xoreynta Ogaadeenya Garabka Badbaadadu JWXO-GB,
iyadoo ku hadlaysa Magaca Shacabka Somalida Ogaadeenya waxay Cambaaraynaysaa
Gumeysiga Itoobiya Fal Dambiyeedka uu kula kacay Tuulada Fool Jeex.
Sidoo Kale JWXO-GB,
waxay ka codsan Beesha Caalamka iyo Ururada Caalamiga ah in la Kaalmeeyo Dadka
Reer Fool Jeex; anaga oo ugu baaqi Beesha Caalamka Guud ahaan siiba Dawlada
Maraykanka, EU, UN-ta,OAU-da,Human Right Watch-ta,Amnesty
Internationa-tal,Hayada Laanqayrta Cas ee Caalamiga ah,African Watch-ta iyo
dhamaanba inta kale ee danaysa Xuquuqda BaniŽaadamka in ay cambaareeyaan fal
dambiyeedka ka dhacay Tuulada Fool Jeex isla markaasna la hor keeno Maxkamada
Caalamiga ah ee Dunida cidii geysatay falkaas si loogu qaado Dambiyada laga galo
Xuquuqda Baniáadamka.
Jabhada Wadaniga Xoreynta
Ogaadeenya Garabka Badbaadinta (JWXO-GB)
Xudunta Xidhiidhadda Caalamiga
E-Mail :
Ogaden National Liberation front -Rescue Wing
International Relations Bureau
Press Release
25 November 2005
Burning the Fooljeex Village in Qoraxeey region.
After massacring
32 innocent civilian people in Qabri-dahar on the 15th, of November,
2005 by the Ethiopian occupation forces, again as the continuation of the
EPRDF-TPLF regime policy of ethnic cleansing and deprivation against the Somalis
in the Ogaden. A clear demonstration to the regimes agenda of forcing the
Somalis in Ogaden to immigrate out of their villages, and towns or becoming
refugees and displaced under the mercy of destituteness through destroying the
basic livelihood sources and the meagre resources and properties or massacring
them unobserved without any justification. While denying, the people in many
regions in Ogaden to practice daily life activities such as business,
travelling, pasturing and watering animals by impose curfew without any
plausible justification.
Again, on 20th
of November, 2005 the
Ethiopian occupation forces burned the entire Fooljeex Village in Qoraxeey
region, and intentionally denied the inhabitants to takeout all of their
belongings. This included but not contained to 45 houses, 6 thousands bags of
grain which was the entire seasonal harvested food of the town that supposedly
would have sustained their lives until the next harvest. Thus, the entire
Fooljeex Village was being reduced to nothing but ashes, also eventually
displacement, hunger, and perpetuated vulnerability of the Fooljeex populace of
whom are left with dire conditions, destituteness and human misery of them being
without food, shelter, and medicine by brutal and inhume actions of the
Ethiopian troops.
The Internal Red Cross
however, was swift to visit the destroyed town of Fooljeex, yet it is needed
that International community and its organisations not to let such crimes to go
without being investigated and counted for. International Community and
Organisation should abate of those innocent and vulnerable people in providing
them urgently Food, Shelter, and Medicine and hence enabling to rebuild the
destroyed town and rehabilitate livelihoods of those people.
On behalf of the
Somalis in Ogaden, the
Ogaden National Liberation Front Rescue Wing ONLF-RW, condemns such inhuman,
irresponsible and ill-fated killing, maiming, destroying, and sweeping entire
villages and towns of Ethiopian occupation forces.
Therefore, we call the International
Community and Organizations
to attending for needs of Fooljeex people and appeal to the US, EU, UN, OAU,
the Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, the International Red Cross,
African Watch and the wider International community to condemn this action .
Thus, enforcing the Universal Human Rights law and bringing those responsible of
such actions to the
International Court for Crimes against Humanity.
The Ogaden National Liberation
Front-Rescue Wing. (ONLF-RW)
International Relations Bureau
Page :
Afeef: Aragtida gabaygan waxaa leh qoraaga ku
Itoobiya oo Gubey Tuulada Fooljeex
Ciidamada Xabashidu ayaa
dab qabadsiiyey tuulo u dhow Qabridaharre..
Akhri halkan
Faafin: SomaliTalk.com | Dec 1, 2005
