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 Baaq: Gunaandka Shirka Kenya iyo Tallaabada Xigta

TO: Dhammaan Waxgaradka Soomaalia iyo Martigaliyayaasha IGAD

FROM: (Arag Saxiixayaasha Hoos ku Qoran)

SUBJECT: Gunaandka Shirka Kenya iyo Tallaabada Xigta

Haddii shirka “dib-u-heshiinsiinta iyo nabadeynta Soomaaliyeed” ee in muddo ah ka socdey dalka Kenya, uu fashilo – Eebbe kama dhige-e mid fashila – wuxuu noqon-doonaa kii 14aad oo lagu hungoobey. Midkaani wuxuu uga sii duwan yahay kuwii hore dheerida muddada uu qaatay, 15 bilood oo is-daba-joog ah, xoolaha ku baxay (“resources invested”) iyo hawl-galka iyo dul-qaadka adduunweynahu muujiyey (“efforts put and patience shown by the international community”). Soo maaha wax lala yaabo? Soo jid (xaq) maaha in adduunweymahu Soomaali saluugo, kana qalbi jabo. Haddii taasi dhacdo, yaa eed saari kara?.

Inkastoo ay saas tahay, Su’aal? Jid (xaq) ma tahay in intaasoo shir ah ee fashilay eeddooda dadweynaha Soomaaliyeed guud ahaan dusha laga saaro?. Haddii si daacad iyo caddaalad ah loo eego wixii dhacay iyo sidii ay ku dhaceen, waxaa suuragal ah in dadweynaha Soomaaliyeed uusan eed ku yeelan karin sharaf darradaas ku dhacday magacooda iyo magaca qarannimadooda. Caqliga saliimka ahina wuxuu eedda ku koobidoonaa keliya inta mudan. Sidaas awgeed, waxaa la rajaynayaa in dulmiga iyo fool-xumada ka dhacay Soomaaliya lagu koobo dadka ka mas’uul ah, ee la wada og soonyahay kuwa ay yihiin.

Sidaas darteed, dadweynaha Soomaaliyeed, oo ay hor-kacayaan madax-dhaqmaakeedu, cula-maa-u-diinkeedu, aqoonyahannadeedu, wax-garadkeedu (rag, dumar iyo dhalinyaro), ganacsatadeedu wuxuu adduunweynaha ka codsanayaa inuusan albaabada ka xiran ee mar kale ummadda Soomaaliyeed fursad la siiyaa. Haddii, sida la rajaynayo, adduunwenahu mar kale indhiha is-ku qabsado ee abaabulo shir kale, waxaa laama huraan ah, ama lagama maarmaan ah in habka iyo dadka saldhiga u noqon-doona shirkaas ay ka duwanaadaan kuwii hore, iyadoo laga shidaal qaadanayo casharradii la qaatay wixii fashaliyey shirarkii hore.

Dadka warqaaddaan ku saxiixani waxay isku wadaan inay kamid yihiin dadweynaha aad iyo aad ka murugsan, kana wal-walsan, dagaallada sokeeye ee 13 sano kaddib weli xal loo la’yahay, taasoo shaki iyo mugdi gelisey aayaha dalkooda iyo qarannimadooda.

Kaddib markii ay muuqatay marxaladda adag ee shirka Kenya marayo, saxiixayaashu waxay is-tuseen in marna ayan is-moogsiin karin mas’uuliya waddankooda iyo dadkooda ka saaran. Waxay la noqotay in, ugu horreyn, codsi (“appeal”) ay u soo jeediyaan adduunweynaha, siiba dawladaha ku jira IGAD, AU, EU, USA, Arab League iyo inta kale ee Somalia tixgalisa sidii mush-kilada Soomaaliya xal cusub loogu heli lahaa, iyagoo tix-raacaya baaqii Madaxweynaha dalka Uganda, Mudane Yoweri Museveni dhawaan soo jeediyey, baaqaas oo Madaxweyne Museveni ku ishaaray in haddii shirka Kenya miro dhali waayo, arrinta Soomaaliya loo gudbiyo adduunweynaha: tallaabada hore AU, kaddibna Qarammada Midoobey (UN/Security Council), bacdmaa IGAD in muddo ah xal ka gaari weydey.

Sidaas awgeed:

1. Waxaan ku guubaabineynaa ka qaybgalayaasha shirka bishan January 9-keeda in ay ka mira dhaliyaan shirkan Kenya ka socday muddada dheer.

2. Haddii taasi dhiciweydo in dhammaan dawladaha IGAD iyo adduunwenuhu Soomaalida la arkaan in aanay madax dhab ah ahayn ragga IGAD ku caleema saartay shirarka Kenya. Sidaas darteed in dhammaan dowladaha IGAD, Xubnaha EU, Maraykanka, iyo dhammaan “IGAD Partner’s Committee” ay taageeraan qorshe wax ku ool ah oo Soomaalidu u dhantahay.

3. Sida uu soo jeediyey Madaxwene Museveni, in adduunweynaha la hordhiga arrinta Soomaaliya (Sida Golaha Ammaanka) taladana loo bandhigo waxgaradka iyo shacabweynaha si loo gaaro xal loo dhanyahay oo aan ku koobnayn kooxo ku qanacsan xaaladda hadda taagan. Haddii shirku fashilo, Soomaaliya waxay u baahan-tahay in aan xalka dib dambe looga sugin qab-qablayaasha dagaalka ee dantooda gaarka ahi ku dhisan-tahay jiritaanka dagaallada sokeeye iyo kala qaybinta ummadda walaalaha ah. Nabadda, dib-u-heshiinsiinta iyo dib-u-dhiska qarameed ee Soomaaliya waxay lid ku tahay danahooda gaarka ah, waana sidaas sababta 13+ shir dib-u-heshiinsiineed u fashileen. Dadweynaha Soomaaliyeed wuxuu la yaabban-yahay sida adduunweynahu, siiba IGAD, isaga indhatirayso arrintaas sida maalin-dharaareed u cad.

Appeal to salvage the Somali Peace Process in Kenya and Next Steps


  • TO: IGAD Chairman,
  • H. E. Yeweri Museveni, President of the Republic of Uganda
  • African Union Chairman,
  • H.E. Chissano
  • President of the Republic of Mozambique
  • Representative of the United Nations Secretary General
  • Representative of the Arab League Secretary General
  • European Union Representative
  • Member states of IGAD Partners Forum (IPF)
  • Other International Partners, and all Concerned Somalis
  • FROM: (See Below for List of Signatories)

SUBJECT: Appeal to salvage the Somali Peace Process in Kenya and Next Steps.

As it may well be aware, Somalia has been in ruins for the last thirteen years as a result of a horrible civil war and subsequent collapse of the State, thus, Somalia remained without central authority for over a decade. All along this period Somalia suffered one of the greatest human catastrophe in the living memory of the contemporary world.

The scale of the destruction is beyond imagination. Ranging from total collapse of all national, regional and local constitutional institutions, security apparatus and economic infrastructure and both public and private, to the loss of innocent lives in hundreds of thousands, in addition to an influx of refugees and displaced people in millions. A tragedy, which its impact have extended on to every aspect of life of socio-political, socio-economic, security and even physical environment.

Numerous initiatives, in the form of conferences, to resolve the crisis were taken by the world community. However, none of the 13 conferences have produced any meaningful results including the Arta Peace Process which did not last very long. There are two typologies as cardinal elements of these failures:

· Legitimization of illegitimate entities: strangely enough, all regional countries and international community, who sponsored these conferences have followed the same approach, time and again, obviously with the exception of Arta peace process in Djibouti, and that is; holding an exclusive conference for Warlords or so called faction leaders. Somali Warlords have never been serious in supporting any reconciliation process, let alone finding peaceful political settlement to the problem they themselves have created in the first place. Simply because the civil war, lack of central authority and absence of law and order have created them, giving them uncontested, uncheckable authority that perpetuates the anarchic status quo. As a matter of fact, the Warlords are preoccupied in finding sustainable solution for fear of losing their present status, as de-facto gunpoint ringleaders. This has been conspicuously observed in their psychological fear of unknown behavior as well as their consistent and blatant refusal to reconcile and resurrect the Somali state.

· Denial of Ownership: apart from exclusivity for a few Warlords, these conferences are also characterized by a non-Somali driven processes and procedures. Thus, declining a basic core principle for reconciliation and conflict resolution practices. Clearly, this is a deliberate disregard to the legitimate right of the Somali people to participate, contribute and discuss their particulars and problems.

Though there are other underlying secondary or tertiary factors, the same aforesaid malignant anomalies are haunting the current IGAD sponsored Somali peace process in Nairobi, Kenya. For nearly fourteen months, IGAD has solely focused on re-empowering the Warlords/faction leaders, unfortunately, the process proved to be more divisive and repugnant in nature rather than reconciliation forum for Somalis.

A lasting solution in Somalia is dependent on an all-inclusive outcome of the Kenya conference. However, if the conference fails we would like to call upon IGAD current Chairman including and IGAD head of States to save the process from definitive collapse, which Somali people cannot afford, and support a new approach on Somalia’s crisis management. The approach shall be based on non- IGAD sponsorship of the process, possibly under UN Security council mandate with partnership of African Union, European Union and Arab League, and relocation of the Conference to a different venue. This approach should include all credible, able and willing Somali actors, representing across the social segments of the country. This will be an alternative Somali owned, inclusive and non-Warlord domain peace conference.

In this regard;

1. We urge upon the IGAD appointed “Leaders” not to disappoint Somalis and the world, therefore, to invest and grasp this last opportunity for them to achieve a peaceful solution in the upcoming 9th January 2004 retreat meeting in Kenya and show genuine reconciliation.

2. In the event that the “Leaders” are unable to agree in Kenya, we call upon IGAD and International Partners to support a new initiative where faction leaders are no longer privileged with the kind of attention and leadership role afforded to them in the past fourteen months under the IGAD auspices.

3. We support President Museveni’s proposal to let the international community address the Somalia issue beyond IGAD. If the Kenya Conference fails, we recommend the Security Council to step in and support a new initiative.

Personalities, Pliticians, Intellectuals & Proffessionals

Name                             Profession/Title                        Location

  • 1. H.E. Abdirizaq H. Hussein                Former Prime Minister      Minneapolis
  • 2. Gen. Mohamed-Salah H. Ahmed      General                                        Washington, D.C.
  • 3. Gen. Jama Mohamed Ghalib         Former Nat’l Police chief            Nairobi Conference
  • 4. Prof. Abdi Ismail Samatar                 Prof. Univ. of Minnesota               Minneapolis 
  • 5. Dr. Zakaria Mohamud Haji Abdi      Presidential candidate                   Nairobi Conference

  • 6. Eng. Osman Jama Ali                        Former Deputy Primier     Nairobi Conference

  • 7. Ahmed Abdi Dahir                       Chairman Somali Concern                London

  • 8. Mohamed Khalif “Bidar”                                                                      London

  • 9. Prof. Mohamed Abdi (Gandi)           Prof. at Becanson Univ.                Nairobi Conf.

  • 10. Dr. Mohamed Dahir Afrah  Chairman Somali Pen                    London

  • 11. Khalid Mao Abdulkadir                                                                      London

  • 12. Eng. Sayid Ahmed Sh. Dahir                                                               London

  • 13. Gen. Bile Rafle Guled                                                                         Mogadishu

  • 14. Hirsi Haji Jama                                                                                   London

  • 15. Mohamed Sh. Muse                                                                           London

  • 16. Osman Aways                                                                                    London

  • 17. Abdi Shire Warsame                                                                          Mogadishu

  • 18. Col. Omer Sulaiman                                                                           London

  • 19. Dr. Yusuf Omer Cali                       Researcher                                   London

  • 20. Dr. Hussien Ali Ahmed                                                                       Mogadishu

  • 21. Ali Mohamed Arale                                                                            Nairobi Conf.

  • 22. Dr. A/Salan Sh. Hassan                  Researcher                                   Nairobi Conf.

  • 23.Prof. Mohamed M. Gure                                                                     London

  • 24. Dr. Omer Alasow                           Researcher                                   London

  • 25. Ali Faqay                                       Community Leader                      Nairobi Conf.

  • 26. Ibrahim Moalim Mursal                                                                      Netherland

  • 27. Mohamed Sh. Hassan (uffurow)                                                         Birmingham

  • 28. Mohamed Adan Ferro                                                                       France

  • 29. Abdalla Boos Ahmed                                                                       Nairobi Conference

  • 30. Abdiladif M Afdhuub                                                                         Nairobi Conf.

  • 31. Ms. Rukia Osman   Sheikh                                                                 Nairobi Conf.

  • 32. Ms. Maryam Farah Goje                                                                   Nairobi Conf.

  • 33. Ms. Maryam Awreye                  Ismail Jumale Human rights             Nairobi Conf.

  • 34. Ms. Asha Haji Elmi                                                                Nairobi Conf.

  • 35. Ms. Maryam Haji Elmi                                                                       Nairobi Conf.

  • 36. Ms. Qamar Aadan                                                                 Nairobi Conf.

  • 37. Ms. Zakia A/salan Alim                                                                     Nairobi Conf.

  • 38. Mohamed Abukar Gaytano                                                               Nairobi Conf.


  • Name                                                   Title                                          Location


  • 38. Dr. Mohamed Sh. Gabyow Legal expert                                 Nairobi Conf.

  • 40. Hassan Omer Hussein                                                                         Nairobi Conf.

  • 41. Prof. Mohamed A Gure                                                                      Nairobi Conf.

  • 42. Prof. Mohamed Ali Abukar                                                                Naorobi Conf.

  • 43. Hirsi Bulhan                                                                                        Nairobi Conf.

  • 44. Ibrahim Habeeb                                                                                  Nairobi Conf.

  • 45. Ms. Maryam Arif                                                                                Mogadishu

  • 46. Ms. Habiba Nur Gendi                                                                       Mogadishu

  • 46. Dr. Bashir Irad                                                                                   Nairobi Conf.

  • 48. Omer Haji Ali                                                                                     London

  • 49. Bashir Esse                                                                                         Stockholm

  • 50. Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim Okio                                                  Gothenberg- Sweden

  • 51. Abdullahi Sh. Hussein                                                            Gothenberg- Sweden

  • 52. Abdisalan Esse Salwe                                                                       London

  • 53. Omer Abdirahman Hirsi                                                                    London

  • 54. Eng. Abdulkadir Aadan                                                                    Mogadishu

  • 55. Abdullahi Mohamed Shirwa                                                              Mogadishu

  • 56. Hirsi Hurre Du’aale (Calan Side)                                                       Nairobi Conf.

  • 57. Ms. Zahra Ugas                                                                                Nairobi Conf.

  • 58. Bisharo Abdi Garabay                                                                      Nairobi Conf.

  • 59. Sh. Omer Iddiris                                                                               London

  • 60. Hashi Muse Karshe                                                                         Manchester

  • 61. Awil Jama Dubad                                                                           London

  • 62. Amb. Mohamud Haji Nur                                                   Washington

  • 63. Ahmed Sheikh                                                                                London

  • 64. Abdulkadir Arale                                                                            London

  • 65. Ali Hashi Dhoore                                                                            London

  • 66. Khalif Jama Abdulle                                                                        London

  • 68. Ms. Aamina Ahmed Warsame                                                        London

  • 69. Said J. M. Ghalib                                                                            Djibouti

  • 70. Osman Hassan                                                                               Borao

  • 71. Mohamed Aamiin                                                               Nairobi Conf.

  • 72. Dr. Mohamed Abukar Haji                                                 London

  • 73. Ali Mohamed Faqay                                                                       London

  • 74. Dr. Abdulkadir Jibril                                                                       London

  • 75. Amb. M Hussien                                                                            Tripoli

  • 76. Dr. Mohamed Ali                                                                           London

  • 77. Amiin shariif Hassan                                                                        London

  • 78. Omer Abdulkadir Ahmed                                                   Dubai

  • 79. Abdiweli Hirsi Ahmed                                                                     Riyadh

  • 80. Abdullahi Jama                                                                               Sweden

  • 81. Abdirashid Khalif Hashi                                                                  Tronto

  • 82. Prof. Isse Mohamed Siyad                                                  Nairobi Conf.

  • 83. Hussein Elabe Fahiye                                                                      Nairobi Conf.

  • 84. Mohamed Mayrane Burale                                                             Nairobi Conf.

  • 85. Ismail Hassan Jama                                                                         Hargeysa

  • 86. Omer Said Hiirad                                                                           Galkaio

  • 87. Yusuf Issak Malaq                                                              Huddur

  • 88. Yassin Sh.Ali Murad                                                                       Baydhabo

  • 89. Ali Margus                                                                                     Baydhabo

  • 90. Abdi Sidow Moallim                                                                       Kismayo

  • 91. Abdi Mohamed Araleh                                                                   Beledweyne

  • 92. Abdulkadir  Aden                           Former Dev. Bank Dir  Washington, D.C.

  • 93. Prof. Hassan Mahadalla                  Professor                                  Mogadishu

  • 94. Abdiqafaar Wardheere                                                                   Washington, D.C

  • 95. Ahmed A. Eyow                                                                             Washington, D.C.

  • 96. Ahmed Mahadalle                                                                          Washington, D.C.

  • 97. Abdishakur. Sh. Abdulle “Horeeye”            PhD Candidate United Arab Emirates.

  • 98. Abdullahi Ugas Max’ud Haybe                                                       San Diego, USA

  • 99. Dayib Mohamud Sheikh                                                                 Washington, D.C.

  • 100. Mohamed Osman Mohamed                                                        Washington, D.C.                                                                                                        


  •                                                             Traditional Leaders


  • 101. Iman Mohamud Iman Omer                                                          Mogadishu

  • 102.  Ugas Esse Ugas Farah                                                                 Mogadishu

  • 103. Garad AbdulQani Garad Jama                                                      LasAno

  • 104. Suld. Mohamed Suld. Abdulkadir                                     Hargeysa                     

  • 105. Ugas Abdirahman Ugas Khalif                                                      Beledweyne

  • 106. Abdullahi Boqor Muse                                                                  Nairobi Conf.

  • 107. Suld.Mohamed Suld. Negeeye                                                      Nairobi Conf.

  • 108. Ugas Ahmed Ugas Mohamed                                                       Galkayo

  • 109. Ali Ugas Abdulle                                                              Mogadishu

  • 110. Malaq Mukhtar H. Hassan                                                            Baydhabo

  • 111. Ugas Barbar Amar                                                                       Baydhabo

  • 112.Suld. Said Garasse                                                                        Garowe

  • 113. Garad Mohamed Elmi                                                                   Galkayo

  • 114. Ugas Omer Ghelle                                                                        Burtinle


Faafin: SomaliTalk Jan 9, 2003 

 Afeef: Aragtida qoraalkan waa mid u gaar ah qoraaga ku saxiixan


.... Copyright & Islaamku wuxuu ka qabo.... Akhri

Kulaabo bogga hore ee


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>> Usheeg Asxaabtaada
Allah Is Great
Qoysas-ka Somalida Reer Canada Ee U Soo Guuray Pune Hindiya Maxaa Sababa
Maqaalkaagu Yaanu  Noqon Mid Mashaakil  Keena... Maskaxdaadu yey noqon..
Samata Bixinta Dalka Dalka Soomaaliyeed iyo wax Qabadka aqoon yahanka Guji
Xaalada Bulsho, Dhaqaale iyo Siyaasadeed ee Jamhuuriyadda la baxday Somaliland
"hadii ay saraakiisha socdaalka Jamhuuriyadu ogaan lahaayeen in
"Miyaan niman Waqooyi u dhashay ku heesin: marti waa la sooraa, magan waa la
"dadkaasi la qabtay waxaa lagu tuhmay inay ka mid yahiin ama ku jiraan urur
Kuwii sannadihii hore gacanta lagu dhigayna dhamaantood dawlada Itoobiya
"Shacbiga Somalilandna aan qasab koonfur loogu sanduleyn Karin,
"7/12/2002 ayuu madaxwaynaha jamhuuriyadda


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